Benjamin works at Advise Wise both within the advice process and with internal projects of the business. He works extensively with the advisers to help research and produce advice. As practice manager, Benjamin works with the other members of Advise Wise on organizing and implementing internal projects.
Benjamin likes to consider himself a fairly easy going, jovial person who strives to produce efficiency and solve issues that occur within the work environment.
Coming from a family of brothers and a father who were all working in the business world, as a young child it seemed obvious to me to want to become a ‘businessman’ like all the rest. Although as a 10-year-old, I hadn’t definitely expected to be literally working so close with said family.
Stoner by John Williams. A piece of fiction detailing the full life of a man named William Stoner, born on a farm and later growing up to lead an undistinguished life as a college professor, with a failed marriage in his home life. As a piece of fiction, it explores the great personal difficulties that we all experience, how individually important they are to us and how hard they can be for us to deal with. I feel this work highlights especially why I enjoy working at Advise Wise, as it allows me to work in a business where we help individuals with some of the greatest struggles of their life.
Light-hearted, Analytical and Cooperative.